
Phrasal verbs with Come


Phrasal verbs with COME

Come about

to happen; to occur:
  • Can you tell me how the damage came about?
  • How did it come about that you stopped using traditional methods?

Come across

1. to meet someone or find something unexpectedly:
  • I came across some old coins in the drawer.
  • I've never come across anyone like her.
2. to seem to have particular qualities:
  • He didn’t come across very well in the interview.
  • He comes across as an unpleasant person, but he’s actually nice.

Come along

1. to arrive or appear:
  • A job opportunity like this doesn't come along every day.
  • Why do three buses always come along at once?
2. to go somewhere with someone:
  • We're going to the concert. Do you want to come along?
  • If you go to the library, I'll come along.
3. to improve or develop:
  • How is your French coming along?
  • The talks are coming along very well.

Come apart

to become separated into several pieces:
  • The book was very old that it just came apart in my hands.
  • The farmhouse was coming apart at the seams.

Come around/round

1. to regain consciousness: (synonym: come to)
  • The patient hasn't come round from the anaesthetic yet.
  • I fainted from hunger but soon came around.
2. to arrive or happen again:
  • Friday has come round quite quickly.
  • I always feel much better when the spring comes around.
3. to change your view or opinion:
  • He'll never come around to our point of view.
  • I believe he will come around eventually.

Come away

to become removed from something:
  • The heat from the radiator can cause the paper to come away from the wall.
  • I turned the handle and it came away in my hand.

Come back

1. to return to someone or something:
  • She left her hometown at the age of 12 and has never come back.
  • He hopes his ex-girlfriend will come back to him one day.
2. to begin to be remembered again:
  • When I saw the photos, the memories of my school days came rushing back.
  • I can’t think of the woman’s name right now, but it’ll come back to me.

Come before

to be presented to someone in authority:
  • The issue will come before the court again.
  • He came before the court on charges of racism.

Come between

to cause problems for a relationship between two people:
  • We love each other and nothing will ever come between us.
  • Don't let financial troubles come between you.

Come by

to get something, especially something that is difficult to get:
  • Jobs are not easy to come by nowadays.
  • How did you come by that watch?

Come down

1. to fall to the ground after breaking apart:
  • Our apple trees came down in the storm.
  • The ceiling came down in the blink of an eye.
2. to fall heavily (snow or rain):
  • The snow was coming down so hard.
  • Just as I was leaving home the rain started to come down.
3. to become less in price or level:
  • House prices are coming down.
  • Interest rates have come down in the past few months.

Come down on

to criticize someone very strongly or punish someone:
  • They came down on him like a ton of bricks.
  • The critics came down hard on the television series.

Come down with

to become ill with a particular illness:
  • I think I'm coming down with flu.
  • I came down with a cold and missed the match

Come in

1. to enter a place, such as a room or building:
  • Come in and sit down.
  • Welcome ‒ please come in.
2. to arrive at a place or destination:
  • What time does your flight come in?
  • That train just came in.
3. to be received:
  • News is coming in of a massive fire in Australia.
  • Reports are just coming in of a serious accident on the freeway.
4. to finish a race in a certain position:
  • My brother came in second place in the essay contest.
  • I bet £100 on the horse that came in second.

Come in for

to receive a negative reaction:
  • The former minister has come in for a lot of criticism over his remark.
  • The government came in for sharp criticism over its policies.

Come down to

to be the essential aspect of something:
  • In the end, it all comes down to money.
  • It comes down to this: lack of experience.

Come into

to receive money, a house, etc. from someone after they have died:
  • She came into all of that money when her aunt died.
  • After his father died, he came into some money.

Come of

to be the result of something:
  • We had a long discussion, but nothing came of it in the end.
  • Did anything come of all those enquiries?

Come off

1. to become removed from something:
  • A button had come off my shirt.
  • Don't pull too hard or the knob will come off.
2. to be accomplished, to success; to happen:
  • It was a good plan, but it didn’t quite come off.
  • The summit never came off.
3. to stop using medicine or drugs:
  • He is trying to come off tranquilizers.
  • I’ve come off the tablets because they were making me feel tired and giddy.

Come on

1. said to encourage someone to do something or to hurry up:
  • Come on! We’re going to be late.
  • Come on! Give it a try.
2. to make good progress or to improve:
  • He’s coming on fine with his guitar playing.
  • Your English is coming on nicely.
3. to start working:
  • What time does the heating come on in the morning?
  • The street lights came on.

Come out

1. to become publicly available:
  • When will the new Matrix movie come out?
  • The new edition will come out next month.
2. to become known:
  • The truth about the accident may never come out.
  • There was public outrage when the details of the scandal came out.
3. to appear in the sky:
  • The clouds broke and the sun came out.
  • The sun came out and we went for a walk in the park.

Come out with

to say something unusual or unexpected:
  • He came out with a feeble excuse.
  • She sometimes comes out with strange ideas.

Come over

1. to visit someone’s house, or to move from one place or country to another:
  • Why don’t you come over for dinner tonight?
  • Her great-grandparents came over from Ireland during the Irish potato famine.
2. to affect someone:
  • I do apologize. I don't know what came over me.
  • A strange feeling began to come over me.

Come through

1. to arrive (news or a message):
  • The news is coming through of a large fire in the city centre.
  • The call from the police came through at 4 o'clock.
2. to survive a dangerous or difficult situation:
  • We've had some really tough times but we’ve come through together.
  • He came through the operation very well.

Come to

1. to remember or think of something:
  • The idea came to me while driving.
  • I can't remember her name, but it will come to me in a minute.
2. to add up to a particular total:
  • The bill comes to $40.
  • How much does that come to?

Come under

1. to be forced to experience or suffer something, usually something unpleasant or dangerous:
  • The government came under a lot of criticism over its policies.
  • Our soldiers were under fire from enemy snipers.
2. to be managed or controlled by a particular authority:
  • The bus service comes under the transport authority.
  • When did the island come under French control?

Come up

1. to be mentioned or discussed:
  • The issue of overtime came up at the meeting yesterday.
  • This topic comes up every month.
2. to happen, usually unexpectedly: to become available:
  • I’m sorry that I can’t come – something’s come up.
  • Please let us know if any vacancies come up.
3. to be about to happen or take place:
  • My birthday is coming up soon.
  • We do have exams coming up.
4. to come near to someone, in order to talk to them:
  • After the concert, a little girl came up and asked me for my autograph.
  • A woman came up to him and asked the way to the station.

Come up against

to have to deal with a problem or difficult situation:
  • We came up against very strong opposition to the plan.
  • The new law came up against a lot of resistance.

Come up for

to reach the time at which something must be done:
  • The contract comes up for renewal at the end of the month.
  • The policy comes up for review in August.

Come upon

to find or discover something by chance:
  • I came upon this old book in the loft.
  • As we turned the corner, we came upon a charming little Italian restaurant.

Come up to

to reach an acceptable standard or to be as good as you wanted or expected:
  • His latest film didn't really come up to his usual standard.
  • The new software didn't come up to expectations.

Come up with

to suggest or think of something like an idea or plan:
  • He came up with a less toxic method of pest control.
  • They’ve come up with new ways of working more efficiently.
